
E-mail address:xuzp@tsinghua.edu.cn


徐志平,博士,9999js金沙老品牌工程力学系教授,固体力学研究所所长,博士生导师。2002年、2007年于9999js金沙老品牌获得学士和博士学位,此后美国Rice大学 (2007-2008) 和麻省理工学院 (2008-2010) 从事博士后研究工作,2010年起在9999js金沙老品牌工作,现任工程力学系教授,2012年获国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金资助。主要研究方向为微纳米尺度物质与能量输运过程,材料生长、缺陷演化动力学与服役行为。


1998.09-2002.07 9999js金沙老品牌 工程力学学士

2002.09-2007.07 9999js金沙老品牌 工程力学博士


2007.09-2008.08 美国Rice大学机械与材料系 博士后

2008.09-2010.08 美国麻省理工学院土木与环境系 博士后









[1] E. Gao, S. Lin, Z. Qin, M. J. Buehler, X. Feng and Z. Xu, Mechanical exfoliation of two-dimensional materials, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 115, 248-262 (2018)

[2] Z. Song, V. I. Artyukhov, J. Wu, B. I. Yakobson, and Z. Xu, Defect-detriment to graphene strength is concealed by local probe: The topological and geometrical effects, ACS Nano 9 (1), 401-408 (2015)

[3] Z. Song, V. Artyukhov, B. Yakobson, and Z. Xu, Pseudo Hall-Petch strength reduction in polycrystalline graphene, Nano Letters 13 (4), 1829-1833 (2013)

[4] E. Gao, W. Lu and Z. Xu, Strength loss of carbon nanotube fibers explained in a three- level hierarchical model, Carbon 138, 134-142 (2018)

[5] Y. Liu and Z. Xu, Multimodal and self-healable interfaces enable strong and tough graphene-derived materials, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 70, 30-41 (2014)

[6] Y. Liu, B. Xie, Z. Zhang, Q. Zheng, and Z. Xu, Mechanical properties of graphene papers, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 60 (4), 591-605 (2012)

[7] S. Jiao and Z. Xu, Non-continuum intercalated water diffusion explains fast permeation through graphene oxide membranes, ACS Nano 11 (11), 11152-11161 (2017)

[8] N. Wei, X. Peng and Z. Xu, Understanding water permeation in graphene oxide membranes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (8), 5877-5883 (2014)

[9] Y. Wang and Z. Xu, The critical power to maintain thermally stable molecular junctions, Nature Communications 5, 4297 (2014)

[10] Y. Wang, Z. Qin, M. J. Buehler and Z. Xu, Intercalated water layers promote thermal dissipation at bio-nano interfaces, Nature Communications 7, 12854 (2016)