The institute of engineering thermophysics was established in 1999 on the basis of the specialty of engineering thermophysics originally founded in 1958. The initial aim of founding the engineering th...
The Institute of Man-Machine and Environmental Engineering (IMMEE) was established in 2004 for building a top-level discipline of Aeronautical & Astronautical Science and Technology at the time when t...
The Institute of Fluid Mechanics (IFM) at Tsinghua University was founded in 1958. It is a major education and research center in fluid mechanics in China. It provides undergraduate to post-graduate e...
The Institute of Solid Mechanics (ISM) of Tsinghua University has its origin in the solid mechanics group founded in 1958 by the famous mechanics scientists Professors Wei Zhang, Qinghua Du and Kezhi ...
As one of the earliest and famous research institution on biomechanics and medical engineering in China, Biomechanics Laboratory of Tsinghua University dated back to 1979. Institute of Biomechanics an...
TheInstituteofDynamicsand Control (IDC) consists of 5 laboratories: spacecraft dynamics and control, vibration and control, computational dynamics, vibration, and seismic exploration. The institute fo...