Research Associate Professor



Research Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University


Education background

Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, China (01/2014)

B.S. in Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, China (07/2009)


12/2022–Present, Research Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, China

07/2018–12/2022, Research Assistant Professor, Tsinghua University, China

10/2015–09/2017, Postdoctoral, Northwestern University, USA

05/2014–10/2015, Visiting Postdoctoral, Northwestern University, USA

01/2014–10/2015, Postdoctoral, Tsinghua University, China

Social service

2022–Present, Editorial Board, Biosensors

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Solid Mechanics, Flexible Electronic Technology

Research Status

His research focuses on mechanics structural design, transfer printing manufacturing of flexible electronics, and its application in healthcare and brain-computer interface.

Academic Achievement

He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journal papers so far, such as Advanced Materials,PNAS, Science Translational Medicine. In addition, he has published more than 30 invention patents.

Representative publications include: (* denotes the Corresponding authors)

[1]Liu X, Cao Y, Zheng KW, Zhang YC, Wang ZH, Chen YH, Chen Y, Ma YJ*, Feng X*, “Liquid droplet stamp transfer printing,” Advanced Functional Materials, 31: 2105407, 2021.

[2]Li HB, Ma YJ*, Huang Y, “Material innovation and mechanics design for substrates and encapsulation of flexible electronics: a review,” Materials Horizons, 8: 383-400, 2021.

[3]Ma YJ, Zhang YC, Cai SS, Han ZY, Liu X, Wang FL, Cao Y, Wang ZH, Li HF, Chen YH, Feng X*, “Flexible hybrid electronics for digital healthcare,” Advanced Materials, 32: 1902062, 2020.

[4]Ma YJ, Choi J, Hourlier-Fargette A, Xue YG, Chung HU, Lee JY, Wang XF, Xie ZQ, Kang D, Wang HL, Han S, Kang SK, Kang Y, Yu X, Slepian MJ, Raj MS, Model JB, Feng X, Ghaffari R, Rogers JA*, Huang Y*, "Relation between blood pressure and pulse wave velocity for human arteries," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115: 11144-11149, 2018.

[5]Wang XF, Chen SD, Zhang YX, Li LK, Xue YG, Luan HW, Ma YJ*, “Anti-self-collapse design of reservoir in flexible epidermal microfluidic device via pillar supporting,” Applied Physics Letters, 113: 163702, 2018.

[6]Chen H, Zhu F, Jang KI, Feng X, Rogers JA, Zhang YH, Huang Y, Ma YJ*, “The equivalent medium of cellular substrate under large stretching, with applications to stretchable electronics,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 120: 199-207, 2018.

[7]Wang XF, Ma YJ*, Xue YG, Luan HW, Pharr, M, Feng X, Rogers JA, Huang Y*, “Collapse of liquid-overfilled strain-isolation substrates in wearable electronics,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 117: 137-142, 2017.

[8]Ma YJ, Feng X, Rogers JA, Huang Y, Zhang YH*, “Design and application of ‘J-shaped’ stress-strain behavior in stretchable electronics: a review,” Lab on a Chip, 17: 1689-1704, 2017.

[9]Ma YJ, Pharr M, Wang L, Kim J, Liu Y, Xue YG, Ning R, Wang XF, Chung HU, Feng X, Rogers JA*, Huang Y*, “Soft elastomers with ionic liquid-filled cavities as strain isolating substrates for wearable electronic,” Small, 13: 1602954, 2017.

[10]Ma YJ, Jang K-I, Wang L, Jung HN, Kwak JW, Xue YG, Chen H, Yang YY, Shi DW, Feng X, Rogers JA*, Huang Y*, “Design of strain-limiting substrate materials for stretchable and flexible electronics,” Advanced Functional Materials, 26: 5345-5351, 2016.